Terms of Services
This is a contract between you and our website.
Entering our website means that you understand our terms and services. Take some time in reading these terms before you can enjoy our website. Once you have access to our website, the terms already apply.
This website contains materials that may be considered offensive by some readers. It may also be illegal in some places. We recommend you check the local laws, rules, and regulations so that you will not have a problem while checking our website.
The material is intended for people who are 18 years old or older. If this is being accessed in a place wherein content like this is prohibited, DO NOT ENTER THE WEBSITE.
You are not recommended to use another person’s account with or without the person’s consent. Downloading materials and images on this website using that other person’s account may also lead to breach and infringement.
Please remember to not continue with accessing the website especially if you are not familiar with the local obscenity laws.
Accepting this agreement means that you consent to the following:
- You are 18 years old and older.
- You are viewing the sexual content for your viewing pleasure. It is not your intention to spread the content to minors and people who are not recommended to view this type of content.
- Different types of content can be accessed on this website. Make sure that you will keep the content safe from the viewing and downloading of minors.
- You are already an adult and you have the power to view the type of material that you want to see.
- You are agreeing to the fact that the content that you can view on this website is not against the laws and local regulations of the place where you live.
- You will be responsible for the spread of the materials that can be seen on this website.
- You will be fully responsible for false disclosures and for the possible legal issues that may arise because of the viewed, downloaded, and shared content found on this website.
- Placing any advertisements or links on this website without the knowledge of the website owner and the company will result in infringement. A legal procedure will take place soon after.
This warning page is between you and the website owner. If there are violations done based on the things that are placed on this page, there are legal implications that may arise wherein you may hear from our legal team.
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